
Showing posts from September, 2019

Young Catholics Respond: Taylor Schroll

On this episode of Young Catholics Respond, Bill Snyder talks with Taylor Schroll, host of the Forte Catholic about the Sacrament of Marriage. For more information about Taylor visit Help Support Young Catholics Respond and Patchwork Heart Ministry by becoming our patron on  Patreon.

Young Catholics Respond: Kendra Von Esh

On this week's episode of Young Catholics Respond, Kendra Von Esh returns to talk with Bill Snyder about her experience with the book Unbound, by Neal Lozano. For more information about Kendra, visit Help Support Young Catholics Respond and Patchwork Heart Ministry by becoming our patron on  Patreon.

Young Catholics Respond: Tony Agnesi

On this episode of Young Catholics Respond, Bill Snyder talks with storyteller Tony Agnesi about what it means to have complete joy and how to get it! For more information about Tony visit Help Support Young Catholics Respond and Patchwork Heart Ministry by becoming our patron on  Patreon.